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How do I register a .br domain?

The first recommendation to register a name of domestication; Carefully read the website www.registro.br from FAPESP, responsible entity in performing the administration of the gifts of the gifts. The Ghan GEOGRS DOM & IACUTE. Following will be the steps B & aacute; Access the address & ccedil; http://registro.br/info/dpn.html, and consult the (suffix) extended (suffix) that best fits your activity, verifying if the same restraint is restricted ; & optild; Access the address & ccedil; o http://registro.br/info/dicas.html, and check if the Syntax of the Dom & Iacute; wishes to be; CORRECT, AND IF H & AACUTE; no restraint restraint to register the gift and Iacute.
3. Access the address http://www.registro.br and check if the gift & icute; available To perform this test, type the full gift, including the suffix, without www, (example: company.com.br) and then press the Enter. J & AACUTE; There is the system to trade; Information on the holder. This information. Beware of conducting a survey with wrong syntax, as the system indicates & aacute; which has not been found in no occurrence of the gift of the gift that you researched.

4. APEA that the gift that you wishes to be; Available, you & ecirc; You must register as user of the registration system, accessing https://registro.br/cgi-bin/nicbr/idmng. To make this record, you & ecirc; You have to have an email and that you can access the moment you are; registering. At the end of the registration process, you have & aacute; A IDENTIFICATION (ID) and a password. Be careful to lose the ID or password, as to change this data the process & eacute; quite bureaucur & aacute;

5. To record a gift, you & ecirc; You must access https://registro.br/cgi-bin/nicbr/stini, and use your ID and password to access the Dom & Iacute; NIOS registration system. AP & OACUTE; have & aacute; All the right side to the options of new domains, with the options: institutional, liberal professional and f & icute; To select the correct option, see the table http://registro.br/info/dpn.html, and check in which category fits the gift you intends to register.

6. Ap & oacute select if the registration is & aacute; Institutional, liberal professional or person, fill in the formation with information about: entity, contacts and delegation; To ensure that this domestic gift is not registered by another person at & eacute; You & Ecirc; Provide the information information about delegation, we recommend that you keep these fields blank and confirm the request for the Gift & Iacute; At this moment be & aacute; generated a ticket with the pendantly regarding relation to the gift. If there is no other competing tickets, the domestic domestic Yours if you are Register Information Informs about Delegation DESEGS DNS within 14 days.

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