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How to redirect a pointed / parked domain for a subdomain?

1. First, & eacute; necessary to have the subdomyl created.

2. Visit the control panel and click on the “Dom & Iacute; On the next screen in “Create a new gift & icute parked”, you & ecirc; duty & aacute; Fill in the field with the gift you want to point out (remember, the gift & icute must be without http: //). Then click “Add Dom & Iacute; Nio”. Ir & aacute; work.

4. AP & OACUTE; Again, be & aacute; in the “Dom & Iacute; NIOS / parked” Ginny. Locate the gift that has just created and click “Manage Redirection” in the “a & ccedil; & optildo;
6. In the following Gina, in “Redirection of Dom & Iacute; PARTIED”, fill the field with the subdomies that want to point out the new gift filled with “http: //” and without “www.”.

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