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What is Icann?

ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (& oacute; a non -profit and international, non -profit entity, responsible for the distribution of “Internet Protocol” (IP), by the identification of protocol, identification, protocol, designation, by control of the name of first -term domestic names with genuos (GTLD) and parans (CCTLD) and with function of the network servers.
Icann & eacute; Responsible for coordinating the control of the elements of the DNS that guarantee the “universal resolution”, which helps the uses of the Internet to find any addresses. ; performed through the supervisory of the distribution of the identification of the unique identification used in the operations of the Internet and the distribution of first -the -first domestic names (how .com, .info, etc.). The ability to guarantee early results from any point on the Internet & eacute; called “universal resolution”.
& eacute; A fundamental resource of the Dom & Iacuten name system.
& eacute; What makes the Internet the indispensive and worldwide and worldwide resource that & eacute; Today.
Without it, a name of domestic domestic could point to local internets under different circumstances, which s & oacute; would cause confusion.

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